
Staff News...

To our great disappointment, senior editor Peter Yost, who joined our company in April of last year, has decided that spending his days ferreting out information and writing articles for

EBN is not the life for him. He wants to be working more directly with companies and builder programs that are leading the charge with green building around the U.S. As a result, this September, Peter will be leaving our company and joining Building Science Corporation of Westford, Massachusetts.

Peter added a great deal to

EBN and to BuildingGreen, Inc. We learned a lot from him, and he learned a lot from us. His lively participation in meetings and his dedicated hard work will be sorely missed. Fortunately, Peter won’t be totally leaving. He is remaining in Brattleboro and, indeed, plans to rent office space from BuildingGreen. In addition, Peter’s transition to Building Science Corporation may lead to some cooperative ventures between our companies. Joe Lstiburek, Betsy Pettit, and the others at BSC are reaching a segment of the residential building industry (large tract home builders) that

EBN has rarely influenced. Peter will be working to integrate green into more of BSC’s work and that, in turn, should help get our resources into the hands of some of the most influential builders in the country.

The U.S. Green Building Council may also benefit from this change. Our company has long been involved with Council activities. Recently, we reluctantly had to turn down an invitation for Peter to chair the LEED-Residential Steering Committee because we just couldn’t afford to give away that much of his time. Now, it appears that the Building America Program—through BSC—will be able to support Peter’s leadership role with the LEED-R Steering Committee. That’s good news for all of us!

So it is with sadness that we let go of Peter, but also with excitement about what the future holds for us, for BSC, for the Green Building Council, and for the green building movement in general. We wish Peter the best.

Published July 1, 2001

(2001, July 1). Staff News.... Retrieved from https://www.buildinggreen.com/op-ed/staff-news

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