News Brief

WRI's New Global Warming Action Web Site

The World Resources Institute (WRI) has a

new global warming action Web site—where individuals and businesses can determine and take action on their carbon dioxide footprint. The site contains an easy-to-use carbon dioxide emissions calculator, suggestions for ways to reduce estimated emissions, and the latest information on climate science, policy, and technology. BuildingGreen, Inc. ran the numbers for our own carbon dioxide footprint and came up with a monthly estimate of 1 ton from energy, 2 tons from transportation, and 4 tons for paper. Unfortunately, the emissions calculator does not easily account for alternative strategies, such as renewable energy, traveling by train rather than plane, or using recycled-content paper. includes an inspiring feature, “Climate Champions,” which profiles individuals and organizations that have made big reductions in their climate footprint, including WRI. In 1999, WRI became the first nonprofit organization to commit to zero net emissions by 2005.

Published June 1, 2001

(2001, June 1). WRI's New Global Warming Action Web Site. Retrieved from

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