News Brief

USGBC Doubles Research Funding

In November 2007 the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) committed $1 million in funding for research on green building topics (see


Vol. 16, No. 12). Now it has doubled that commitment to $2 million and reserved $500,000 of the additional funds for research on occupant impacts in K-12 schools. Although it represents a significant commitment for USGBC, the research fund is small in comparison to the amount of federal funding the organization says is needed. In March 2007, the USGBC Research Committee called for a significant increase in federal funding for green building research, from an average of $193 million annually to over $1 billion (see


Vol. 16, No. 6). USGBC called for pre-proposals (due March 6, 2008) for use of the research funds and will ask selected applicants to submit more detailed proposals for the final phase of the award process. Questions about the research fund and proposals may be emailed to

Published March 1, 2008

Wendt, A. (2008, March 1). USGBC Doubles Research Funding. Retrieved from

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