News Brief

USGBC Becomes Nonprofit, Membership at 3,000

The IRS has approved 501(c)(3) nonprofit status for the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). Until now, USGBC has been a 501(c)(6) “trade association,” but in October 2001 the Board decided to pursue a shift in status. President and CEO Christine Ervin believes the new designation ”will communicate to the public and potential funders that our dominant focus is not lobbying or boosting the livelihood of member companies, but information, outreach, and market transformation for broad public and private benefits. It also allows individuals and companies to make tax-deductible contributions,” she added, “and helps us directly secure funding from charitable foundations.” With its new status, the Council will still be allowed to pursue some legislative advocacy. The USGBC welcomed its 3,000th member organization last month. Visit online at


Published July 1, 2003

(2003, July 1). USGBC Becomes Nonprofit, Membership at 3,000. Retrieved from

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