News Brief

Model Contracts Clarify Green Building Responsibilities

As green building takes hold, so too do concerns about litigation and the need for better contracting mechanisms (see

EBN Dec. 2009). Both The American Institute of Architects (AIA) and ConsensusDOCS have released new model contract addenda to address these concerns.

The AIA document, AIA–B124 (2007), updates a 2004 amendment to the organization’s model owner-architect contract, and covers responsibilities and risks related to LEED certification. ConsensusDOCS, a coalition of industry associations representing owners, contractors, and designers, has developed a green building addendum that can be used in conjunction with its other contracts and lays out roles and responsibilities for all members of a design team. Among other things, it calls for a green building facilitator to lead green efforts during the design process; this can be done by either a team member or an outside consultant.

The AIA document is available for purchase (for $6) at; the ConsensusDOCS addendum is available at

Published January 1, 2010

Wendt, A. (2010, January 1). Model Contracts Clarify Green Building Responsibilities. Retrieved from

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