News Brief

Canada Pressured to Legalize Unvented Gas Appliances

The February 1998 issue of

Energy Design Update reports that the

Canadian Government is being pressured by the unvented gas appliance industry to legalize these devices in Canada. Government officials aren’t giving in easily though. Don Fugler of the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. was quoted in the article as saying, “We’ve spent the past 10 years working to reduce combustion spillage in Canadian houses, dealing with depressurization, cracked exhaust vents, and other venting issues. To say, ‘Oh by the way, it’s okay now to install this appliance that exhausts 100% of its combustion gases into your home,’ would be very counterproductive and confusing.” For more on this issue, see


Vol. 5, No. 3.

Published April 1, 1998

(1998, April 1). Canada Pressured to Legalize Unvented Gas Appliances. Retrieved from

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