News Brief

Boulder Expands Requirements of Green Points Program

On July 3, the City of Boulder, Colorado passed an ordinance

expanding the requirements of its mandatory Green Points program (see


Vol. 7, No. 3) to include remodels and additions over 500 ft2 (50 m2), and increasing the number of points required for new homes. The revised program, which places a greater emphasis on renewable energy use and job-site waste recycling, is expected to take effect in late August 2001, according to Mike Weil, Director of Environmental Affairs for the City. At the same Council meeting, the City adopted the 2000 International Energy Code, and expressed its intent to develop a version of Green Points for commercial construction that would be based on the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED™ Rating System.

Published July 1, 2001

(2001, July 1). Boulder Expands Requirements of Green Points Program. Retrieved from

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