Blog Post

Students push sustainability ahead

I have gathered through sessions and conversations at Greenbuild that the educational sector is the next big sustainable design push. On the last day of Greenbuild I discovered a session about greening college campuses, with a unique panel—a student, an architecture professor, and a facilities manager, all from different universities. The panel moved swiftly through each of their presentations (almost too quickly for me to take notes!) so they could get to the moderator’s Q and A session, followed by an audience Q and A. Each represented university—Auburn, Carnegie Melon, and Emory—had a slightly different approach to sustainable design, but they all stressed the importance of integrating sustainability into the curriculum; the overarching idea being that students, not administrators, are driving this green campus movement. The more involved the students, the more pressure they place on the administration, and paraphrasing from one of the presenters, universities are not just there for students but because of students.

Published November 23, 2010

(2010, November 23). Students push sustainability ahead. Retrieved from

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November 30, 2010 - 4:49 am

That does not surprise me. First of all the upcoming generation is more interested in the spiritual then they are in 'material things'. The spirit of the earth ..thus they are interested in their physical health so they can be at their best and the planets physical health which can not be sustained with out a conscious directive from the masses. The spirit and physical are so intertwined one can not preform well without the other. I think it is great.
Secondly, The changes do come from the bottom. It is similar to the interior design industry all the furniture, paint and others in product manufacturing have been pushed by the interior designers and others to be more environmetal aware.It has definitely caught on. As you know the products are available now to create healthier environments and It makes sense that the student population would demand healthier classrooms and living environmet as well as a smaller footprint creating sustainable environments. It will be in the mainstream population before we know it as these students will be the next home owners. They are responsible... Green is in and it is being driven by the masses.