
On Non-Native Blooms

On Non-Native Blooms

The visibility you gave to BLOOMS ACROSS AMERICA in your May/June 1995 issue is greatly appreciated, however; I do want to clarify a key point in order to prevent any alarm or confusion about the product. While the wildflower seed mix is not made up entirely of North American native wildflowers, it is composed of wildflowers that will germinate and perform well in most areas of the contiguous United States. The concept is to expose the general public to the

idea of wildflowers with a reasonably priced, easy-to-grow mixture, then follow up with more details about regional native species in school and community educational programs. In order to yield the best possible blooming results, I have carefully chosen a reputable seed source and a seed mix that does not include plant species that are notoriously invasive. As a professional horticulturist, I am truly dedicated to offering a product and a program that will be helpful, not detrimental, to the local community and the earth.

Christy Holstead

Blooms Across America

Published July 1, 1995

(1995, July 1). On Non-Native Blooms . Retrieved from https://www.buildinggreen.com/editorial/non-native-blooms

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