
More on PVC and Fires

More on PVC and Fires

The article “Should We Phase Out PVC?” [EBN

Vol. 3, No. 1] provided one of the most complete summaries of the various environmental, health, and safety aspects of PVC manufacture and use in buildings I’ve seen. If your readers want to get even more details about plastics in building fires, they may want to read my book,

In the Mouth of the Dragon: Toxic Fires in the Age of Plastics. It can be ordered from Avery Publishing Group, 120 Old Broadway, Garden City Park, NY 11040 (telephone: 1-800-548-5757). The book discusses properties of the common plastics in wide usage and describes several large fatal fires in which plastics contributed significantly to the toxicity of the fire atmosphere.

Deborah Wallace, Ph.D.

Consumers Union

Yonkers, New York

Published March 1, 1994

(1994, March 1). More on PVC and Fires. Retrieved from https://www.buildinggreen.com/op-ed/more-pvc-and-fires

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