
EBN Editors Help Untangle Green Certifications

The editors of EBN and our GreenSpec Directory provide guidance on the growing field of certifications in BuildingGreen's new special report, "Green Building Product Certifications."

The number of green product certifications is large and growing—perhaps 100 so far in the U.S. alone. This month’s

EBN feature article provides guidance on the growing field of multi-attribute certifications. The editors of

EBN and our

GreenSpec Directory provide a lot more guidance like this in BuildingGreen’s new special report, “Green Building Product Certifications.”

This 87-page, no-nonsense guide enables designers, purchasers, and manufacturers to steer clear of irrelevant claims and focus on what is significant and relevant for each building product sector. It provides a bird’s-eye view of the certification world, distinguishes the key green certifications spanning multiple building product sectors, and provides a sector-by-sector look at finding the green certifications that can help you specify green on your projects.

The report has a list price of $79, but

EBN subscribers can get it for $49. If the report doesn’t save you many hours of research, we’ll cheerfully refund its modest price. Visit BuildingGreen.com/certifications to get your report. (EBN subscribers who are logged in will automatically get the reduced price.)



Published November 24, 2010

Malin, N. (2010, November 24). EBN Editors Help Untangle Green Certifications. Retrieved from https://www.buildinggreen.com/op-ed/ebn-editors-help-untangle-green-certifications

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