News Brief

CRRC Aged Testing of Roofing Products

CRRC labels currently report roofing products’ initial solar reflectance and thermal emittance. Results from aged testing, now underway, will be added to the labels beginning in 2007.


Cool Roof Rating Council (CRRC) has begun the aged-testing component of its product rating program. CRRC has been providing third-party verification of both initial solar reflectance and initial thermal emittance of roofing products since September 2002 (see


Vol. 12, No. 7), and this aged-testing component adds another round of testing after the products have been exposed on weathering test farms for three years. CRRC’s sole approved test farm has three U.S. locations, representing hot/dry, hot/humid, and cold/temperate climates. The first products were placed on the test farms in December 2003, and the results will be added to each product’s CRRC label and listed in the CRRC Rated Products Directory, at, starting in early 2007.

Published February 1, 2004

(2004, February 1). CRRC Aged Testing of Roofing Products. Retrieved from

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